How To Start Reconnecting With Our Food


Our relationship with food is vital. It’s so important that we take a good look at our food and how it effects both us and the environment.

We need to be fueling our bodies to be superstars. We need to start listening to our body’s needs and the effect our food is having on us. We need to be reconnecting with our food and asking ourselves some important questions when we eat. How did the food make me feel? How did my body respond? Did it give me energy? Am I empowered?

Think about it. How does it help you show up and be the person you want?

“When I ate this for breakfast/lunch/dinner it allowed me to show up _______­­ (at work, for my kids, during my workout) and be a rockstar.”

It is so important to have an awareness of how our food makes us feel and what it does to our body. We need to have the ability to gather that information and listen to it, so we can live life to the fullest.

Tips to help you eat healthier and reconnect with your food:

1. Pick whole foods.

It should really be about buying wholesome food. Buy whole foods, which are items that come from their most natural state. Avoid buying things that have a thousand ingredients. You should be able to count all the ingredients listed on one hand and be able to pronounce them.

2. Know what’s going on with your food.

There is so much power in knowing where your food comes from, under what circumstances it was grown, and what process it’s been through. Be aware if your food was grown locally, ethically, or has been treated with chemicals.

3. Check in with your mind and body.

Sit down to your meal and ask yourself questions about how your food is effecting your mind and body.

-Why are you hungry?
-How do you feel? Are you eating things that give you joy, sadness, relief, fun, shame, guilt, or empowerment?
-How are you feeling during and after eating?
-Does the food have memories connected to it?
-What does it make you think of?
-Why are you eating this food?
-Are you appreciating it?
-Are you engaged or zoned out?

-Do you need more fuel? Did you overeat?
-Does your stomach hurt?
-Are you energized? Are you tired?
-What are you craving? Why are you craving it?
-Is there an imbalance in your body?
-Are you getting the right nutrients?

These lessons can be used to help get back in touch with yourself and the food you’re eating. It will help you feel better, create more respect for your food, and help improve the world’s food system.

There is a huge movement around changing our food system and creating a healthier and more sustainable way of eating. I think this process starts by increasing our awareness and getting in touch with the food we’re eating. By doing this, we are able to look at the origin of the food, the quality, the ethics, and the impact it has on our mind and body. It’s a topic that deserves our attention, it can impact those around us and help create a better world. Reconnecting with our food can shape our lives and empower us to live healthier and more sustainably.

Take the time to reconnect.

With love,


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