Stop Letting Stress Be Toxic In Your Life


Stress can be toxic in our lives. Whether we are stressing or someone around us is stressing, it creates a very negative and destructive environment. It can suck all our energy, make us ill, and be destructive in our relationships.

Stress can cause us to look at life as a victim, as if life is happening to us instead of the other way around. We need to have the mindset that stress can benefit us. It makes us push ourselves, it takes us out off our comfort zone, it gets us motivated, and it aligns us with our values. So how can we bridge this gap and shift our mindset?

Respond Instead Of React

You can choose to either react or respond to a stressful situation. Reacting involves venting, complaining, blaming and bunch of other toxic and unhelpful things. It puts you as victim in your own life and gives the power over to other people. When we react it comes from a place of defence, fear, avoidance and shame. Reacting makes us loose control of the situation and makes it very hard for us to turn it around.

Our lives are made up of our choices. When you have a stressful situation, you can choose how you want to respond. Responding gives you control, it leaves you feeling empowered and inline with who you are. So when you begin to stress take a look at how you can effect the situation and be proactive. Focus on you and your response, which is in your complete control.

When you are stressing try implementing these steps or if someone around you is stressing help them work through this process. 

How to respond:

1.  Take a big breath and look at the bigger picture -Take a moment and have a real big breath. This may take a couple tries, but have a high quality, big deep breath. Then try to remove yourself from the situation, gather information and gain perspective.

2.  Practice empathy and compassion –  If your stress is being created by another person, look at where they’re coming from, why they’re freaking out, and what is causing them so much stress that they are lashing out at you? If the stress is coming from an environment or situation, look at how it developed and the different aspects effected. Try to act with understanding and care.

3.  Speak from the heart – Stop worrying about what other people are thinking and what they want you to say. Just focus on how you feel. Don’t get swept up in the drama or stress of the other person or situation.  Explain how you feel and why it’s effecting you.

4.  Express what you need and want – Explain how you want the situation to change and ask for what you need to make this happen. Figure out what you need to do and what you need from the other person in order to create the solution you want.

How you respond to stress is in your complete control. You can choose to speak your true feelings, be accountable and leave feeling happy.

We need to shift our mindset about stress. Stress can be a good thing, it causes us to push out of comfort zone, work harder, and get through struggle. It builds strength and empowerment. You can choose to see stress as an opportunity to come out stronger than before.

With love,


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