Finding Beauty Everywhere


“If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.” – Vincent van Gogh

I recently saw this quote attached to my tea bag (I love that this brand of tea, it include life quotes like this and it always brightens my day). When I read it, I was immediately struck. I turned to Daniel and exclaimed “YES!” It was so true and simple. This quote by Vincent van Gogh, made me think about the beauty all around us and how important it is for us to breathe it all in. Since I’ve incorporated the daily practice of appreciating the beauty around me, I’ve noticed so many benefits. Taking a few moments during the day to breathe it in, leaves me shining and glowing.

The benefits of taking a moment to appreciate nature:

Nature has the power to ground us, humble us and leave us awestruck. It can be so powerful in our lives when we truly embrace the beauty in nature. When we get in the habit of doing so, we create a more joyful, caring and grateful way of living.

  • Improves your mood
  • Fills you with joy
  • Makes you more patient, understanding and compassionate in your interactions and relationships
  • Gets you out of your funk and can shift your mindset
  • Makes you feel lighter
  • Relieves stress
  • Empowers you
  • Makes you more grateful throughout the day
  • Helps you get in the habit of seeing beauty everywhere
Here are a few steps to create the practice of finding beauty everywhere:

This simple practice can take as 30 seconds, and as you incorporate it into your day you will begin seeing more beauty all around you.

  1. Choose a beautiful piece of nature to focus on – This could be the sun shining through your windows when you wake up, the power of a storm, the beautiful flowers on your kitchen table, the wind on your face, the strong tree on your walk, the rustle of leaves, the plants in a neighbours garden, the sun hitting the water, the earthy smell in the forest, or the view of the mountains.
  2. Appreciate the beauty in it – Really focus on the details and the wonder of it. Take the time to appreciate it’s beauty and it’s journey.
  3. Feel the moment – Let this moment be felt by your whole body. Really breathe it in and let the sense of joy and gratitude fill your body with warmth. This simple step can be taken to a deep level as you connect with you body and your senses. Try closing your eyes, taking a deep breath and feeling your heart.
  4. Get in to the habit of doing it during a particular part of the day – Try to incorporate it during a specific time of day – when you first wake up, during your coffee, on an afternoon walk, during your lunch break, before bed or any other time. It helps to pair it with another activity to help you remember.

I know the more I do this little practice, the more I’m filled with gratitude, joy and peace in my life. I become more aware of all the beauty surrounding me throughout the day. When I’m out for a run, taking a moment to appreciate the way the sun is hitting a tree will brighten my mood, fill me with warmth, and draw me into the present moment. I find it really makes me excited and happy about where I am right now and what I’m doing in that moment. It’s a simple thing to do that will have you live each day with more gratitude and joy.

With love,


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1 Comment

  • Reply Elsie August 15, 2016 at 10:49 pm

    Nicely said

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